Thursday 8 September 2022

Back to England

It's time to say a fond farewell to Wales.  I've enjoyed my time here, although it seems too brief a time to feel I really know Wales.

The hostel was very welcoming, but it was like the Marie Celeste.  I didn't see another guest during my stay. 

I've booked into luxury accommodation tonight, staying with my sister just outside Bristol.  So a short day for me.  I had time to do some sightseeing,  so went across the River Wye to a little peninsula which anchors the (old) Severn Bridge on the north side.  Across the Wye, I was in England again.   A quick ride down to the southern tip at Beachley, where the ferry used to run from, and back to Chepstow for elevenses.

Across the Wye

River Wye

Old Ferry, Old Bridge at Beachley

Chepstow's a nice town, although it's infested with hills.  There can't  be many flat roads there.
Chepstow Castle


Severn Bridge 

Across the Severn Bridge, only to be confronted with a closure of NCN route 4, which was supposed to be along the bank of the Severn.  They are doing flood prevention and 'ecological' work.  Groundhog day.  Another diversion, a few failed attempts to rejoin the coast path, but all on nice quiet roads, so it was okay.

Closed for upgrades

Upgraded coast path

Eventually I made it onto the path, newly upgraded, by Severn Beach.  Lovely.  Just in time for lunch.  While I was there in the cafe, a massive downpour gave me much pleasure.

From Severn "Beach" to Portishead was all enjoyable cycling on a set of intricate cycle routes.  About half was away from roads, and quite a bit was on a wide pavement by a busy road, but it was all fine.  The highlight was crossing the Avon Bridge, very high and very light(!), and scenic.  Somehow I avoided the industrial area round Avonmouth.

River Avon

There are two Portisheads: the Marina and the older town.  Portishead  Marina seems to be entirely newly built, centred on the large marina.   It's dotted with art installations, and judging by the café  quite expensive.  I asked for a cold drink, and was offered a Ginger Zinger: apple, carrot and ginger, for £4.50.  I could have had a pint of beer for that price, or maybe two pints in Wetherspoons.  They must be expensive carrots.
Arty Portishead 

Scenic Portishead 

Zinging Portishead 

Just over a small hill is the main town of Portishead,, mostly sitting up on the hills overlooking the sea.
Traditional Portishead

From here I leave the coast: I have 9 miles and one hill before I get to my sister's delightful abode.  That's all for today, folks.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures once again,I look forward to next stage . Brian B


Thanks for commenting! I do get to see the comments but it's not easy to reply when I'm on a ride.