Sunday 4 September 2022

Not Another One!

As Brenda from Bristol might say:   Not another one!   Yes!  Another Coastal Adventure trip in the same year, starting where I gave in to train temptations last time, at Gowerton, just the other side of the Gower peninsula.  Starting tomorrow, Monday 5 Sept, neatly avoiding both the school holidays AND the nice weather.

The delights of this trip might include the Gower, Swansea, Port Talbot, Cardiff, Newport, and even possibly across the Severn Bridge.  Who knows, I might even bump into Brenda from Bristol herself?

Some people have queried whether a coastal ride is even allowed to cross bridges or ferries.   Some people have said that you should go round the entire tidal coastline including estuaries, but that would make the ride much longer.    I have consulted the commissaire, whose decision is final, and he says that this is allowed in the rules.  So there.

Last time it was damp, cold and windy, I camped every night, and possibly didn't eat very well.   This time, it's going to be damp and windy, but warmer.  I'm taking less stuff, so it's bound to be great.

Stay tuned to this blog for further updates.


  1. Crucial Gower information: The Welcome, Llanrhidian, The King Arthur, Reynoldston.


  2. Great meeting you today. Best of luck with your ride. Sue and Tony from Oz

  3. Good luck Simon. Hope the anticipated thunder and lightning swerves around you. Will be reading the blog from the comfort of my nice dry living room.

  4. Don't come knocking on my door if the weather turns bad, Brenda from Bristol.


Thanks for commenting! I do get to see the comments but it's not easy to reply when I'm on a ride.