Tuesday 15 May 2018

Awa' doon the watter part 3


The track ended and I descended into Greenock: an important town with important looking buildings.  Cycled along the esplanade and continued mostly on cycle paths to Gourock.  Gourock, where you can catch a ferry to Dunoon and the Highlands...   I turned my back and followed the Clyde south, joining the Ayrshire Coastal Path, which exceeded my expectations by being very good cycling.

By now I was gasping for elevenses.  I found a boatyard café at Inverkip.  It was closed.  The door was locked: they were having kitchen renovations and there was no water.  Luckily that were doing a very bad job of being closed.  Customers sitting outside in the sun, and a steady stream of people arriving, finding the door locked, and being let in.  They only offered a limited menu of hot drinks and bacon rolls, but it was a sacrifice I was prepared to make.

1 comment:

  1. You rebel! fancy going past that serious fence and 'path closed' sign. Looks like a nice route though, so....fair enough.


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