Saturday 13 June 2015


Well, I did it!

In the hostel this morning I met a chap about my age who was 'doing an Everest': climbing the pass repeatedly to total the height of Everest, that's twelve times.  There are some crazy people around.

As I set out there was cloud on the hills.  The actual climb wasn't too bad at first, a bit like Box hill but longer.  It got steeper after 400m but not too bad in granny gears.  Mr. Everest passed me in his car on the way up, having finished his challenge.
The top was out of the cloud but cloud limited the views.  A few wild deer were on the moorland only a few hundred metres away.

The descent was super dramatic, in a good way.  Steep hairpins led down gorge-like valley.  My descent was almost as slow as the ascent until lower down, when I coasted the last few miles to the conveniently located Bealach Cafe.


  1. Need some new brake blocks now then Simon?

  2. Well done, Simon. That's a big hill - one of the biggest in the UK


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