Monday 15 June 2015

The case of the missing underpants

Apparently it's unusual to see a plane movement at Barra, but during my three hour delay, I saw four land and six take off. It was a busy day: the four light aircraft were full of French men who'd flown from Guernsey.  Visited the café and then flew off again.  It was good, but not that good.

The delay saw the wind shift to a south-westerly, which was very helpful on my way back: ferry from Barra to Eriskay, and then back to Daliburgh to pick up my panniers.  It was also raining slightly but nothing serious.

At the bunkhouse, my panniers were there, but a few items of washing I'd left in the drying room had disappeared.  Mystery.   Well I contacted the manageress, who assembled all the guests in the drawing room .. no, not really.  They couldn't be located so I left, er, empty-handed.  Good news though: I managed to book a hostel bed at Nunton House about 35 miles away on Benbecula.  It will save me time tomorrow,  when it's forecast to be very rainy.

1 comment:

  1. Who is the mystery Knicker nicker......and why would you?


Thanks for commenting! I do get to see the comments but it's not easy to reply when I'm on a ride.