Monday 11 July 2016

The Road To The Isles

Well, how could I resist a description like that?  Much better than sitting on my backside on a train or bus. 
Leaving Fort William, the first forever (15 miles) was okay: gently uphill alongside the railway line and an arm of loch Linnhe.  After that it was great, if hilly.  Hardly any traffic.  Up and over to Glenfinnan with the famous viaduct and an even better view in the other direction down the loch.  And then following the valley as it went from a gorge surrounded by rocky giants, through a lorra lorra lochs gradually flattening to an estuary with wooded islets framed by gentle hills.
Which would have been great if the road didn't decide to go across the valleys instead of along them.  Some nice sea views, but a bit too much effort after a long day.  I'm not quite at Mallaig yet: I was led astray by The Crofters' Bar in Arisaig.  A very nice pint of Cromarty Ale, bringing back unwelcome memories of non-existent ferries.   But hey, the cycling bit has started!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty remote Simon, but you are becoming very elegant in your descriptions. Sounds like you earned that pint.


Thanks for commenting! I do get to see the comments but it's not easy to reply when I'm on a ride.