Monday 18 July 2016

To Ardnamurchan

The Flora MacDonald Hostel was a quirky, rather run-down place but with great views over the Sound of Sleat to the mountainous mainland.  I woke to more rain. Not horizontal this time, but the stair rod kind.
After desperately studying the forecast, I decided to go for a later ferry, as it was supposed to ease off later.  Set off into the stair rods on flooded roads to the ferry port, where after only 2 miles I'd already earned a stop at the café, for a wonderful bacon roll as I watched the ferry arrive out of the mist.
Still heavy rain as I retraced my hilly path from a week ago towards Fort William.   Plenty of chances to admire the myriad waterfalls lining the road, all in full spate.
Turning off across the head of the loch at Lochailort, I followed a gently undulating road out along the loch, between coast and wooded hills.  Nice views but mostly obscured by mist.  The rain had turned showery to drizzly and it was quite a relief to be cycling into a warm wind.  A nice pint of Monster Mash from the Loch Ness brewery with lunch at Glenuig, watching the rain fall steadily.
After a couple more hills, the landscape started to change - more gentle. I guess I am leaving the Scottish Highlands somewhere around here.  It was a lovely ride south across Moidart and the other Shiel Bridge, at the other end of Loch Shiel.  It would make a nice summer ride.
Tea at a post office/shop/café/public toilet in Salen, on Loch Sunart: across the loch is Mull, but I'm only going to a bunkhouse in Glenborrodale tonight.  A good day after a bad start.

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Thanks for commenting! I do get to see the comments but it's not easy to reply when I'm on a ride.